Page 51 - Talented Astrologer • Volume 2 Number 1 • Winter 2019
P. 51

  “Why are those the only options? Why don’t you have butter pecan? That’s what I really want.”
In any situation, if you feel triggered, angered, or offended, if you feel
limited and forced
to choose between
unappealing options, or if you feel that you need to justify
your choice in any way whatsoever, you are not neutral
to that situation. On the other
hand, if you’re unwilling to make
the choice and respond with, “I don’t care. Either will be fine,” you’re coming from Apathy, not Neutrality.
Why Is Neutrality Important?
When you are truly neutral to a situation, you’re in integrity and you’re feeling safe. This means that any choice you make uses power, rather than force.
You’re operating from a creative and cooperative context rather than a competitive one. If you’re not neutral, you’re operating from Victim Consciousness, so whatever choice you make, you will be less than happy with the results.
When you’re neutral, you are free to consider all available options. Judgments often mean that we don’t explore every possibility when making choices.
Just because a particular choice was not desirable in the past, doesn’t mean it will always be undesirable.
When you’re neutral, you’re free to choose your path — and you’re also free to make a different choice at any time. Neutrality frees you from guilt, grief, and regret.
How Do I Create Neutrality?
You can create neutrality using any number of spiritual practices or energy tools. It’s always advisable to begin with the Present Moment Awareness Safety Meditation because that and moves you back into
integrity in this moment. Once you’re fully present and safe, you can turn your attention to the issue or
story under consideration. The next tool is to question your CACA Expectations around
the issue. At all times, around all things, we have unconscious, unfounded, and completely unreasonable expectations
of Convenience, Agreement, Compliance, and Approval. Collectively, these are your CACA Expectations, and they are the source of
most of the judgments, expectations, and attachments that pull you out of neutrality. Clearing your CACA Expectations can take as little as 5 minutes, and often that’s more than sufficient to bring neutrality and a fresh perspective to your concerns.
There are also a number of energy tools that can be used to create neutrality around an issue.
Learn to Create Neutrality in the Practical Prosperity class!
In the new class, Practical Prosperity: Spiritual Principles to Create Wealth, Health, and Happiness, you will learn how to use these tools, and more, to create neutrality in your life. You can register for a free 2-hour introductory class at
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