Page 4 - Talented Astrologer • Volume 2 Number 1 • Winter 2019
P. 4

Astrology has a rich history that dates all the way back to 1968. Modern astrology has little connection to the astrology practiced for thousands of years. Today, most people believe astrology exists to explore what the natal chart has to say
about our personalities and our futures. But this descriptive, humanistic, and narcissistic approach to astrology is new. For astrology to continue to evolve, we need a better understanding of how it got here. We need to have some sense of the history of modern astrology.
A Brief (and Biased) History of Modern Astrology
Practical Rulership
Talented Astrologer
Astrology has a long tradition of political factions. In 17th century England, your religious affiliation determined which house system you used. If you were Catholic, you used Placidus, but if you were Protestant (like William Lilly), you used Regiomontanus. Astrologers today still debate the merits of the many different house systems, but houses no longer divide the astrological community. The two main astrological factions are Traditional and Modern. And what separates the two
astrological political parties is rulership.

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