Page 34 - Talented Astrologer • Volume 2 Number 1 • Winter 2019
P. 34

  I unconsciously viewed that as a threat to the entire relationship. It made me feel very unsafe, and because I wasn’t conscious of what it was really about, my reactions only made things worse.
Once I became conscious of this expectation, it lost its power.
I enjoy sleeping in the same bed as my partner, but it’s not a deal-breaker if it doesn’t happen. I’m conscious of this preference, so it’s something that I can discuss and share with a partner. Now that I’m conscious of this expectation, it’s negotiable. And I can’t begin to describe how much this awareness has improved the quality of my romantic relationships.
You can’t always question your parents’ relationship to learn about
your Marriage Blueprint.
Blueprint. I didn’t know how powerful my expectation was of sleeping in the same bed with my partner until it blew up in my face.
And just because your parents were happy in their relationship doesn’t mean you’ll be happy in their relationship.
My parents were happily married for over 50 years. Their relationship worked for them (for the most part), and so my Marriage Blueprint carries the expectation of a long-term, supportive, monogamous partnership. But it also carries expectations of gender roles and power dynamics and divisions of responsibilities that flat out don’t work for me. If I built a relationship from that blueprint (and I have), I’d be very unhappy with the relationship (and I was). It worked for my parents, but it doesn’t work for me.
Obviously, not everyone was
raised by two parents. And
while you might be able to
identify how your single parent’s
attitude towards your absent
parent (or towards relationships
in general) contributed to your
Marriage Blueprint, you’ll
have a harder time connecting
with what those attitudes
meant to you as a child. The
expectations in your Marriage
Blueprint are based on a child’s
understanding of relationships, and they often defy reason or logic.
Even if two parents raised you, you can’t always identify the hidden expectations in your Marriage
“Even if two parents On the brighter side, just because a blueprint didn’t work for
 raised you, you can’t always identify the hidden expectations in
your Marriage Blueprint.”
yourparentsdoesn’tmeanitwon’t work for you. But in either case, it’s useful to uncover some of the more fundamental expectations about your Marriage Blueprint so you can choose whether or not to keep them. This is where
astrology can help.
By exploring how your
parents and their relationship
shows up in the natal chart, you can discover quite a lot about your unconscious expectations in romantic relationships. Stay tuned for
Part 2 to learn how!
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