Page 10 - Talented Astrologer • Volume 2 Number 1 • Winter 2019
P. 10

  Storyteller is your ambitions, aspirations, and pursuit of happiness. Your dreams, aspirations, and ambitions are detail-rich and specific. You know precisely what you want to acquire, and everything in your story reinforces the reality that achieving your goals will bring you happiness. You’re able to enlist the help of other people because the story you tell is so
engaging. The content of your story is compelling. The only question
is whether the context of your
story supports success or
Cancer on the Eleventh House
If you have Cancer on
the cusp of your Eleventh
House, the Moon, the
Archetype of the Reflection is
your ambitions, aspirations, and
pursuit of happiness. Your happiness
is inexorably linked to your safety. Your
lesson is to keep them in the correct relationship. If you believe your happiness is outside of you, you will create attachments to your ambitions and aspirations.
This will drain your Safety Need Account, and make it difficult to attain your goals. When you realize that happiness comes from inside you, and address your safety needs first, you gain access to the power needed to realize your dreams.
Leo on the Eleventh House
If you have Leo on the cusp of your Eleventh House, the Sun, the Archetype of the Hero is your ambitions, aspirations, and pursuit of happiness. When you
imagine your life and picture the things you would like to accomplish and the experiences you would like to have, it puts you in touch with your authentic
“Big S” Self. Your aspirations and ambitions lead you to discover your Personal Standards of Integrity. To achieve your goals, you must express your true Self.
Sagittarius or Pisces on the Eleventh House
If you have Sagittarius or Pisces on the cusp of
your Eleventh House,
Jupiter, the Archetype of the Dreamer is your ambitions, aspirations,
and pursuit of happiness. For you, happiness appears as freedom and unlimited opportunities to grow and expand. You have an appetite
for life that calls you to pursue your dreams and aspirations. You have faith that you can accomplish them, even if you lack a clear plan or path. But you must know when you have had enough. Jupiter pushes limits and boundaries, and when it embodies acquisition, you may begin to feel
that you can’t be happy until you’ve acquired it all.
Capricorn or Aquarius on the Eleventh House
And if you have Capricorn or Aquarius on the cusp of your Eleventh House, Saturn, the Archetype of the Judge is your ambitions, aspirations, and pursuit of happiness. Your aspirations and ambitions, no matter how grand they may be, always include a plan
 10 Talented Astrologer

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